Chondrocyte extraction

Buffer preparation


Collagenase solution


dissolve 200-250 mg of collagenase in 10 ml of DMEM4

 .                    ↓

 vortex and filter (0.22 μm)

 .                    ↓
to a 50 ml falcon tube add 44.5 ml DMEM4

 .                    ↓
add 5 ml collagenase in DMEM4

 .                    ↓
add 0.5 ml Pen/Strep

add 1 ml FBS

 .                    ↓

 make 1.5 ml aliquots and store at -20°C



 40 ml DMEM4

 8 ml FBS

 0.5 ml Pen/Strep


Note: store at -20°C



Dissecting the ribs


skin and gut the mice (protocol for P0-P7)

 .                    ↓

 remove rib cage

 .                    ↓
remove the sternum, cutting as close as possible to where the ribs join the sternum

 .                    ↓
cut the ribcage in two, cutting through the spine

 .                    ↓
place in warm PBS to keep moist

place samples from 3 mice (6 pieces) in 15ml falcon tubes with 1 aliquot of collagenase (1.5 ml)

incubate at 37°C vortexing every 15 minutes

                         → 45 min (0-3 day old mice)
                        → 1 h (3-5 day old mice)
.                         → 1 h 15 min (5-7 day old mice)


Dissecting the cartilage

place ribs in a 10mm Petri dish with PBS

separate single ribs removing muscle and fibrous tissue

isolate cartilage (translucent) and clean as much as possible

 .                    ↓
place the dissected cartilage in a new Petri dish with PBS to keep moist

transfer the dissected cartilage from 3 mice to an eppendorf tube with 1.5 ml of collagenase

incubate at 37°C for 3-4 h, vortexing every 30 min


Chondrocyte extraction

 transfer cartilage in collagenase in a 50 ml falcon tube

pipette up and down 5-10 times with a 5 ml stripette to disgregate cartilage

 .                    ↓
pass through a cell strainer into a clean 50 ml falcon tube

 .                    ↓
wash through with 15 ml of DMEM 20

 .                    ↓
centrifuge at 1200 rpm for 5 min (350 x g)

 .                    ↓
discard the supernatant (do not pour: pipette out!)

wash the pellet with 15 ml of PBS

 .                    ↓
centrifuge at 1200 rpm for 5 min (350 x g)

 .                    ↓
discard the supernatant


 proceed to RNA extraction or protein extraction


RNA isolation

Resuspend the pellet obtained from in 1 ml of TRIzol reagent, snap-freeze and store at -80°C until required for RNA isolation. Isolate RNA using the standard TRIzol protocol.


Protein prep

resuspend the cell pellet in 1.2 ml of PBS and count the number of cells/ml

prepare aliquots of 10^5 cells in 1 ml

centrifuge the aliquots at 9500 x g for 10 min

.                    ↓
resuspend pellets in 25µl of SDS-PAGE buffer with DTT (15µl dH2O, 5µl of 5 x SDS-PAGE buffer, 5µl 1M DTT)

incubate at 95°C for 10 min

freeze at -20°C until needed